Friday, November 10, 2006

Buckle Up, America!

I feel terribly sad today because I was right. I was afraid this would happen, but few would listen. Back during the 2004 election, I urged those around me not to re-elect Bush. The writing was spray painted all over the wall that his 8 year Presidency could go down as one of the worst, ever. I stood, alone, on my island urging many to go in another direction.

I did this not because I was a Kerry supporter, afterall, I am independent conservative. I do feel there is something to be said in voting for the person not the party. Although this point gets lost on most biased Americans. Rather, I did this because I was afraid of the day we just experienced.

The Democrats now have control and they're radical leader has the podium to begin her quest to rot everything that is right, in America.

And the so called hard headed Republicans are the reason for this disaster by re-electing Bush.

But you say, the Democrats would've taken control regardless this fall and under that scenario the White House would be in 100% Democratic control.

I say, bad assumption.

What Americans did on Tuesday was not vote FOR the Democratic Party, rather they voted against Bush. The result is near disaster that could come to fruition in 2008.

The reality of Tuesday's vote, when all is said and done, was a bold statement against Bush and the Republican Party. However, what most voters do not understand is they may have mortgaged their morals and beliefs to make this statement.

There are so many Americans who continually vote and post a stand:
  1. Against amnesty
  2. For border control
  3. Against affirmative action
  4. For marriage only between man & woman
  5. Against raising taxes
  6. For prayer in school
  7. Against degradation of the Flag
  8. For the right to bear arms

And yet, the new speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, is the exact opposite of what is listed above. It amazes me how a Nation could be, in majority, unified on the above issues, yet give up control to a party who will slowly drag these issues down the drain. I truly worry what this country will look like 6 years from now with radical leadership now in place.

True, Americans will probably get what they requested in giving Democrats control with the liklihood of the U.S. slowly pulling out of Iraq. Our leaders will mostly likely travel around the world and make nice over a cup of coffee with hate filled leaders of the Middle East & North Korea. But watch what happens within our country. Watch closely how values deteriorate over the next several years, at a rapid pace. Pay attention to what Americans mortgaged just to make a statement against Bush.

The Republicans, how I see it, do not possess a strong Presidential candidate for 2008, which means we could be in for full Democratic control in just a few short years. If this happens, the face of America will be vastly different:

  • The government will be much larger, filled with many more 'special' groups
  • Taxes will undoubtedly be up
  • God will be forbidden
  • Borders will be open
  • Illegals will have access to public services they are 'entitled' to

And we will pay for all this.

I hope I am wrong about where this country is headed. But I also hoped I was wrong two years ago when Bush was re-elected.

Hopefully, in 2008, Americans will take notice of what they're voting for.


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