Thursday, June 22, 2006

Shame, Shame, Shame

I'm reaching a point of disgust with how the media acts in this country. In fact, I simply cannot comprehend it. As each day passes I realize more and more that we are weakening as a Nation because we are simply ununified.

Case in point - two U.S. soldiers are brutally murdered in Iraq. The media spends a few hours on these boys and moves on. What do they move on to you ask? Well, it’s to the eight soldiers that are charged with killing an Iraqi civilian. Are you kidding me? We send our troops to that hell hole to defend the World from these sick terrorist extremists and all our media cares about is ridiculing these eight men for killing an Iraqi? Mind you these soldiers have only been charged and have yet to see a trial. Meantime, we have two young men brutally wiped from this earth and the media spends hours on the story before moving on to attacking our own soldiers, again.

Furthermore, human right's groups like Amnesty Intl, Human Rights Watch, and Intl A.N.S.W.E.R. have no issue with condemning the U.S. military and its treatment of prisoners. Yet, when two of ours are destroyed by savages there's not a peep from these liberal cowards.

It sickens me where we are, collectively, as a Nation and I fear, even more, where we are heading.


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